Prayer for finances and anxiety
Prayer for finances and anxiety

prayer for finances and anxiety

The purpose of me moving was to find a better paying job. End up moving to a different city and things didn’t go to well now i have to end up moving back home with my mom. Been out of work for months due to a health issue. I know i have fail Jesus Christ alone the way. I want to the Jesus Christ for providing for all my needs. Through your word it is “Yes” and “Amen”. Thank you Lord Jesus, I love you, I praise you and I adore you. I proclaim abundant blessings for myself, my brother, mother, husband and children in the name of Lord Jesus. I pray for my brother’s business to flourish and finances flow in through your grace and mercy. I seek your refuge for breaking every strongholds, every barriers in the mighty name of Lord Jesus. I have hope, faith and trust that you will deliver your children Lord from every circumstance. He seeks your intervention Lord to uplift his business and help it to flourish once again.Īs it is written in Philippians:18-19 I will continue to rejoice, for I know that through your prayers and the help given by the Spirit of Jesus Christ, what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance.ġ Thessalonians 5:16-18 Be joyful always pray continually give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. He has surrendered himself to you Lord Jesus and has accepted you as his Personal Lord and Saviour. He has made unwise decisions in the past Lord and he has regretted it. His financial situation is not good because his business is not doing well. Not the precarious peace of knowing what the future holds, but the perfect peace of resting in the one who does.Lord Jesus, I seek your refuge and help for my brother. These requests are answered with “the peace of God, which transcends all understanding” (Phil. 6:11), that he remind us of his past faithfulness to us and to all generations (Ps. 10:5), that he sustain us today with the daily bread of his presence (Matt. 71), that he grant us wisdom (James 1:5), that he help us take our anxious thoughts captive (2 Cor. So, what requests should the anxious present to God? That he increase our faith (Luke 17:5), that he teach us to trust (Ps. No doubt, their anxieties were many and their line of sight was obscured. Remember, Hebrews 11 does not say that Abel, Enoch, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the rest of its great host walked forward with perfect clarity and confidence they walked by faith. Nor, as we have seen, do those revelations necessarily yield the peace we would expect them to. The Bible preserves these accounts for us. Has God at various times revealed clear, specific direction to his servants? Yes. Those who seek to use prayer as a crystal ball forget their calling to walk by faith and not by sight, and they forget the benediction of Christ: “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed” (John 20:29).

prayer for finances and anxiety

That knowledge belongs to the secret things of God (Deut. In the case of asking God for knowledge of the future, we should be circumspect. Both confession and petition are facets of prayer, but while our confessions of anxiety or sin are always godly, not all of our anxious petitions are. The first is a confession the second is a petition. It is another to ask him to reveal the future to us. It is one thing to tell God that we are anxious about the future. Clear words from the Lord yielded neither confidence nor peace for Moses. Moses is given instruction from the mouth of God himself to go to Egypt and deliver his people. But the story of Moses at the burning bush warns us otherwise. We reason that if we just had the benefit of clear divine direction, we would absolutely follow it. We make our requests known to God: “Lord, please show me what to do next. And certainly, we could relax and trust God! If we could just know a bit more about what is coming next, surely we could lay to rest our anxieties and take a proactive stance. We are, indeed, anxious about what the future holds, wondering about what to do when difficulties arise in our friendships, our finances, and our families.

prayer for finances and anxiety

Our prayers in anxious moments can actually lead to greater anxiety unless we pay close attention to the kinds of petitions Paul has in view when he gives his exhortation. What could be simpler?īut our requests reveal much about our understanding of ourselves, of anxiety in general, and of God.

prayer for finances and anxiety

It’s one of the most quoted verses of the Bible: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”Įchoing the words of Jesus to leave tomorrow’s worries for tomorrow, Philippians 4:6 points us to an antidote for anxiety: prayer.Ī current situation causes anxiety.

Prayer for finances and anxiety